Student Development and Placement Center


The main function of the Student Development and Placement Center is to assist students to gain maximum benefit from the educational experiences through counseling and guidance in relation to their academic and personal needs. It also organizes school activities that provide opportunities for intellectual, physical, cultural, socio-civic and moral development.

Services Offered


Counseling is the heart of the guidance services. This is a professional helping relationship between the counselor (helper) and the counselee (helpee) dealing with academic, personal, interpersonal and career concerns. It aids students’ self-awareness; promotes understanding of abilities and values; clarifies and resolves issues; helps identify available options; enhances skills in goal-setting; and develops skills in decision-making.


Mental ability, career interest, personality strengths, interpersonal values, and aptitudes are assessed using standardized psychological tests. Test results are used in helping students understand their abilities, limitations, interests and values. In addition, test results are also utilized in counseling, personality development, career planning, and improving learning experience.


Important data, activities, resources, opportunities and other related matters are disseminated to students aimed to facilitate holistic growth and development. Information dissemination can be done through postings, emails, text and the social media.


Parents, teachers and other school personnel may refer students to the counselor for help. The counselor takes necessary steps in conducting the interview with the referred student and makes recommendations based on the findings during the interview. Referral to another professional helper is made if the student’s needs are beyond the training, experience or expertise of the intake guidance counselor.


Students with academic difficulties and poor attendance are given individual follow-up service. The identification of the cause or causes of their poor performance helps in the development of their attitude and skills to enable them to cope with life experiences.

Career Development and Placement

This service utilizes results of various tests to provide information and options for students’ career exploration, awareness and development. Through Career Counseling, students’ career interests are explained in line with suitable professions. Linkages with potential employers, job fairs, job hunting seminars and career assessment programs are also organized for students.

Special Programs

Peer Facilitators Program

SDPC programs and activities are organized and implemented with the help of student peer facilitators. They serve as extension arm of SDPC. These volunteer students are equipped with skills, attitude and experiences recruited and screened. Qualified students are given trainings and exposures to make them more effective peer facilitators.

Wellness Program

SDPC conducts activities aim to enhance the physical and psychological well-being of students, employees and parents. These activities include relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, stress management and mindfulness.

Seminars for Students

  • Anti-Bullying
  • Effective Study Habits
  • Effective Time
  • Management
  • Mindfulness Exercises
  • Relaxation Exercises
  • Stress Management
  • Mental Health