by: Lady Lyn N. Galvez

The Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP) Center conducted a general orientation and seminar to all new ETEEAP candidates on the Sebastinian Identity, that includes the SSC-R History, Organizational Structure, School’s Vision & Mission and Sebastinian Signs and Symbols, last August 10, 2019, at St. Magdalene of Nagasaki Audio-Visual Room (AVR), St. Ezekiel Moreno Building.

Rev. Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin, OAR, President and Dr. Rodrigo F. Ponce, Jr., Director of ETEEAP Center and Quality Assurance Office (QAO) with the new ETEEAP Candidates.

The activity started with an opening prayer led by Ms. Janine Lloren, BS in Psychology ETEEAP Candidate. Dr. Rodrigo F. Ponce, Jr., the Director of ETEEAP Center and Quality Assurance Office (QAO) who served and the program’s facilitator presented the ETEEAP guidelines, policies, and other matters. He also introduced the three (3), speakers.

Ms. Dolores E. Gomez, Executive Secretary to the President.

The first speaker was Ms. Dolores E. Gomez, the Executive Secretary to the President and also a faculty expert in Business Communication, Technical Writing, Advertising, and IMC Journalism and Sebastinian Identity delivered her topic on SSC-R Manila History; Life Purpose, Vision, Mission, Core Values and Institutional Objectives and Institutional Organizational Structure. She also introduced the Religious Administrators for the quadrennium (for AY 2018-2019 to 2021-2022).

Meanwhile, Mr. Jay Ramirez, the Head of the External Affairs and faculty expert in Sebastinian Identity, Sebastinian Mission and Religious Education. Mr. Ramirez discussed the Sebastinian Signs and Symbols such as the SSC-R Manila Logo, the colors, the stag and the school’s tag line “Bravo Baste!”.

Mr. Jay A. Ramirez, Head of the External Affairs Office (EAO).

The topic of Rev. Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin, OAR, the School President was on the Recollect Graduate Attributes (RGAs) and Sebastinian Graduate Attributes (SGAs). Fr. Tolentin presented the Sebastinian identity: the personality, character and qualifications of a Sebastinian(student, faculty, staff)that distinguished him/her from others that is, the trademark “TatakRecoleto” and “TatakSebastino”. Then, it was followed by the discussion on the Attributes: quality or characteristic of a person. He also presented the RGAs such as Contemplative, Communitarian, Apostolic and Marian and the SGAs such as God-Centered, Community-Oriented and Socially Responsive, Academically Proficient and Holistic and Life-long Learner.

Rev. Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin, OAR, School President.

The candidates were given the assignment to create and explain their own or personal logo using the signs and symbols of Sebastinian. The activity was ended by the announcement of upcoming schedules. It was followed by the closing prayer and singing of SSC-R Hymn.