Formulation of a Comprehensive Province-wide K to 12 Transition Plan

The Recoletos Educational Apostolate of the Philippines (REAP), through its President, Rev. Fr. Julius M. Marcos, OAR, called for an action planning workshop for the formulation of a comprehensive province-wide K to 12 transition plan that would be applicable for all Recollect schools. This was held at the Talavera Retreat House, Cebu City last August 6-7, 2014. The resource persons invited to give inputs and updates on the K to 12 program were from the Department of Education (DepEd) and Dr. Brenda Corpuz, FAPE President.

In order to come up with a comprehensive transition work plan, both religious and lay administrators in-charged of the academics, finance, human resource, marketing and school facilities participated in the said planning. The San Sebastian College-Recoletos Manila delegates were Dr. Rodrigo F. Ponce, Jr., Director of Office of Accreditation, Planning and Development (OAPD) and the ETEEAP Center, Mrs. Sherlita C. Mendoza, Comptroller, Mrs. Mary Grace S. Poblete, Head of the Human Resource Development Center (HRDC), and Dr. Juliet Baltazar, Principal of the High School Department.