Management studes hold TradEx

by Marienne Galima

SSC-R Manila Business Management (BM) and Marketing Management (MM) students — from the College of Accountancy, Business Administration, and Computer Studies — showcased their entrepreneurial talents and creativity during the TRadEx (Trade Exhibit) that was held from August 17 to 19 at Ever Manila Plaza Activity Center.

The College started organizing the TradEx in 2004, as a requirement for Business Administration subject. The purpose of the event is to give the students a preview of the business world or of how to put up a business, which starts with idea generation and later on, implementation. The event is also meant to test the entrepreneurial skills and talents of the BM and MM students; to see whether their products are feasible to the market; and also to know how much these students are prepared in terms of business planning and research.

Each group was required to develop three (3) innovative products, present them to the adviser, and later on, enhance them considering the suggestions and recommendations.

Students said that, through the TradEx, they already experienced somehow the problems of starting a business, starting with: where to get the capital. At this point, they still feel lucky considering they still have their parents to support them. Another problem that they have encountered was the matter of how to produce They, for instance, also already experienced the difficulty of finding contacts for probable product supplier.

There were 22 groups that showcased their products during said event, namely: Eve, Gimme Pipe, Glow Mark, Hang Over, Poly Pen, Runbler, Tillow, Umbre Coat, Belt Wallet, Con-vers Bag, Eco-pandable Bags, Hold Up, Estante, Magic Wallet, Notebook Organizer, Pillow Organizer, Retro Tablet Casing, Saving’s Scroll, Solar Lamp, Speallow, Toy Bank and Towel-Let. Members of these groups really spent so much effort to ensure they reach the respective quotas set for them.

According to Mr. Jesus Antoni Diosana, President of the Sebastinian Marketing Circle (SMC), “having an event like TradEx is a great experience for us. Encountering the same problem with the real business world trains us and prepares us for our future.”