Fray Nemesio D. Tolentin, Order of Augustinian Recollects (OAR), the 16th President of San Sebastian
College -Recoletos Manila (SSC-R) died on Saturday, October 2, 2021. He was pronounced dead at
2:31 am at the Manila Doctors Hospital due to coronavirus disease.
The Sebastinian Community mourns the untimely demise of Fr. Nems who had served as school
President for more than six years. Prior to his installation as the school head in 2015, he had already
worked as a religious administrator in SSC-R for six years from 2006 to 2012. He had also been
assigned and served in different Recollect schools for 21 years.
Fr. Nems went to Seminario Mayor Recoletos in Baguio City and pursued further studies in San
Sebastian College -Recoletos and University of San Jose Recoletos. He was born on October 31, 1966,
in Ronda, Cebu.
To celebrate the life of Fr. Tolentin, visitation and viewing services will be held at the St. Ezekiel Moreno
Chapel, Ground Floor, St. Ezekiel Moreno Building (Junior High School Building), SSC-R Manila from
October 4, 2021 (Monday) to October 8, 2021 (Friday). Eucharistic Celebrations will also be conducted
on October 4 to 8, 2021 at 11:00 am. It will be live-streamed on the official Facebook Page of the SSCR Campus Ministry Office (CMO).
Visitation and Viewing Schedule