By Aubrey Nikko M. Valle
Institutional Seminar

The Sebastinian Community witnessed an inspirational sharing delivered by Atty. Joel Respall Chua, City Councilor of the 3rd District of Manila and who is himself an SSC-R Alumnus of the College of Law. He was welcomed by the president of the Sebastinian Alumni Association, Mr. Benjamin C. Salvador. He shared some inspiring moments in his life like how he managed graduating from the Law School despite his busy schedule as a local politician of the City of Manila. He likewise expressed his gratitude to San Sebastian College – Recoletos Manila College of Law for patiently mentoring him. Other key points shared by the speaker were the virtues of perseverance and patience which are among his guiding principles in life, especially as a law student. Atty. Teodoro A. Pastrana, Dean of College of Law, assisted by Mr. Salvador awarded the token of appreciation to Atty. Chua for being the resource speaker during the institutional seminar.

Service Awards Night 2020

The night came where loyal Sebastinians were awarded because of their long-enduring service and notable dedication to the institution through the years. This annual tradition, which was held at the SSC-R quadrangle, was filled with glamour, performances, emotion, and inspiration for the Sebastinian community. As a tribute to the awardees, the Grade School Department, Junior High School Department, Senior High School Department, College Department and the new members of the Non-Teaching Personnel rendered their individual group presentations. A sumptuous dinner was enjoyed by everyone around the gathering. 5-year, 10-year, 15-year, 20-year, 25-year, and 30-year awardees were presented and applauded during the event.

Ms. Cynthia B. Cerqueña, a Junior High School Faculty and a 30-year awardee, delivered an inspiring message which highlighted her challenges and feats throughout her 3-decade continuous years of dedicated service at SSC-R Manila. A special performance by the Religious Administrators was also witnessed by the audience. In the end, the night concluded through an inspiring message of Rev. Fr. Nemesio D. Tolentin, OAR, school president, highlighting service and dedication through turmoil and victory in honor of the institution.